Airbag’s new album, titled Disconnected, will be released June 10th on Karisma Records.
After nearly two and a half years since The Greatest Show on Earth, a trip around the planet, solo project and other collaborations, we’re back with a brand new album that undoubtedly is our best yet. We’ve spent nearly a year writing, recording and mixing and we really couldn’t be more proud of the result!
Disconnected feature six songs reflecting on the theme of alienation between the individual and society, what society expects from us as individuals, and our resultant failure to live up to those expectations. Each of the six compositions depicts the state of feeling on ‘the outside’ and out of touch with oneself and those around us.
Musically, we’ve explored new sounds and ventured deeper into creating soundscapes, textures and dramatic arrangements.
Disconnected will be available on limited edition CD, double vinyl and digital download.
Stay tuned for pre-order information, cover artwork and more details.
Hi Bjorn,
I’m really looking forward to listening to Airbag’s new album. I’m listening to Lullabies in a Car Crash all the time since its release. It leaves me in awe each time.
My offer to lend you my 1975 Hiwatt if you plan to do a live date in France is still ongoing. That would be awesome to see you here in France!
Do you have backing tracks of the title “Lullaby in a Car Crash” somewhere. especially the final solo part?
Thank you, Matthias! I don’t have any tracks for Lullabies, sorry.
I wonder what Bjorn is thinking.