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My new solo album, the follow-up to Lullabies in a Car Crash (2014), is announced for 2017. In the coming weeks and months, I will take you through the process of making this album. From writing the songs, to recording and eventually releasing it to the world.

As I write this, we’ve mixed 5 out of 7 songs and the mastering of the album is set for medio December. Still, there is a long way to go before the album is hitting the stores.

It’s been, almost to the day, three years since Lullabies. Since then, I’ve been busy with writing and recording with Airbag and we, as I’m sure you all know, released our fourth album, Disconnected, a few months back.

Most of the new album, was written simultaneously as the material for Disconnected, which was a new experience. While Lullabies mostly consisted of material I, for whatever reason, hadn’t brought into Airbag, the new album is all new songs.

The new album is very much a trip back to my roots and love of heavier music and movie scores. A strange combination, perhaps, but it’s always been there in what I’ve done with Airbag and on the last album.

So the question is, how do you make that to really be the main focus and not just a part of the whole sound? We’ll get back to that later. 

I can’t really tell you how proud I am of the new album. For me, making music is a very personal experience and there are periods that are just horrible, when you want to delete everything and start all over.

But there are also periods when I realise that I’ve managed to create something special. When you’re in that zone, or flow, it doesn’t really matter if you’re the only one who gets it or like it. It’s about pushing yourself and finding creativity and inspiration when you don’t think there is any.

So, I’ll leave it with that for now and a small taste in the clip below. I hope you will stop by once in a while and please feel free to ask me questions and suggest topics you want me to write about. 



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